HubSpot academy is a place where you can learn and understand the basics of HubSpot and various other marketing methods. HubSpot offers 15 certification courses free of cost.
The academy ensures that the certifications are up-to-date based on the latest in trends, research and industry analysis. Course topics include inbound sales, digital marketing, website design and customer service.
What Are The Different Type Of Certificate By HubSpot Academy?
There are three certification programs you can start your journey with.
- marketing certification
- sales certification
- inbound certification
Now We Shall See An Overview Of All These Three Courses
HubSpot Marketing Certification
This certification course mainly focuses on the digital marketing industry. The HubSpot professionals will teach you the working of the digital market and topics relevant to the digital marketing industry.
the course includes 7 different certification programs:
- social media marketing certificate
- inbound certificate
- content marketing certificate
- Email marketing certificate
- HubSpot marketing software certification
- contextual marketing certificate
- Inbound marketing certificate
HubSpot Sales certification
This mainly focuses on the sales software developed by HubSpot
There are various types of sales certification programs:
- software certification
- Sales enablement certification
- sales management training
- frictionless Sales certification
- Inbound certification
- Inbound marketing certification
The HubSpot Inbound Certificate
there are two types of inbound certification program with two different end goals
- Inbound certificate
- inbound marketing certificate
the inbound certificate: focuses on the fundamentals of inbound methodology which will help you set business goals, create a company purpose and develop a persona.
inbound marketing certificate: focuses on implementing the inbound techniques to help you plan a long term goal.
How To Enroll With The HubSpot Academy
All you need to do is Sign up with the HubSpot academy if you haven’t already then pick a course you are interested in. Each course is developed by HubSpot professional experts who will help you understand the concepts in an easy manner by providing recorded content which is also given in textual transcripts if you prefer reading over watching. There is no such order to follow the certificate courses. You can take up any course depending on your goal for using the HubSpot software.
Why Are HubSpot Certificate Necessary
Put Your Theoretical Knowledge Into Practical World
Getting a certificate is not enough if you only know the theory of it. you should be able to practically apply it. HubSpot academy ensures that whatever they deliver through the videos will enable you to use the software you are learning about.
Adds Value To Your Resume
If you have completed a HubSpot certificate course that means you have the required and necessary knowledge about the basic concepts of the HubSpot tools and this will give you a preference over the other applicants.
Helps You Discover The Fundamentals Of Inbound Methodology
You will understand the fundamental principles of inbound marketing. You will understand its basic methodology and the vital role of your existing customers to grow your business.
Understand The Working Of The Marketing Automation
Inbound certification is just a primary digital framework. Inbound marketing has its own unique language which helps in generating leads and capturing traffic. With the help of the marketing document you will learn the variegated types of relevant industry concepts and skills.
Generate ROI Faster
With the help of the HubSpot certificate courses you understand the importance of metrics which will help you to measure results and inform decisions without leveraging analytics in your sales processes which in turn will help you to generate faster ROI.
In A Nutshell
A HubSpot certificate will never disappoint. No matter how experienced you are in a particular field, gaining new knowledge on a particular subject will always help you to improve in your area of expertise. Remember to update your certification after every one to two years as new updates are included regularly through research.